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It Es
23 Feb 2024


According to what we find in Title IV, Chapter II of the Consolidated Law on the protection of health and safety in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/2008) WORK AT HEIGHT means: a work activity that exposes the worker to the risk of falling from a height of more than 2m with respect to a stable floor.

The sector that registers the highest number of fatal accidents related to falls from height is that of construction: in fact, the construction site is the place where 52.4% of the total fatal accidents analysed occur, as detected by the National Fatal Accident Surveillance System (Infor.MO1) in the last consolidated year of data (2012). Specifically, we refer to the construction site as a place where works, construction works or civil engineering include all those construction activities, but also repair, maintenance, demolition, restoration and renovation.

Therefore, a worker who is working on site, for any of these activities, at a height of 2m above the ground is inevitably exposed to this risk.

Sicur Delta’s task, in light of this scenario and the evidence that the construction site is the biggest risk area, is to design and produce anchoring devices that bring the risk to which any subject is exposed to working at height to zero. The range of devices we offer has been designed for every type of application and every type of situation. Once designed and produced in our in-house workshop, the anchors are tested by an external third party and certified in accordance with the reference technical standards EN 795:2012, CEN/TS 16415:2013 and UNI 11578:2015.

In this way we are sure to offer our customers high-quality products, both for the materials of which they are composed, and for the systems that comply with the requirements dictated by the regulations, but also extremely versatile and easy to assemble and install. Thanks to the experience gained in the 10 year working in this field and the production excellence achieved, we are a leading company in the sector that you can rely on for a complete and valuable service.